9/1/20, 1:41 PM - This Is Lebanon: Sorry, didn't realize the meeting was 5:00am my time, and was up until 2:00am 9/1/20, 1:41 PM - This Is Lebanon: Can I get a list of 33 ready to repatriate? 9/1/20, 1:41 PM - This Is Lebanon: Was recommended to get that form you from some of the Kenyans 9/1/20, 1:42 PM - This Is Lebanon: Also, not sure if it's you spreading this, information, but wanted you to know for clarification: https://docs.google.com/document/d/[REDACTED]/edit 9/1/20, 1:43 PM - This Is Lebanon: We never have and probably never will speak publicly about our work that we have on the ground for security reasons (https://bit.ly/3gp01J2). This is not my decision, but the absolute insistence of our caseworkers. Let me know if you have any questions on that. 9/1/20, 1:45 PM - This Is Lebanon: Notice, the bottom: Since then, I’ve been talking to Kassem, and he has refused to give me the information required to book the tickets. He has however, sent me multiple names, photos and phone numbers of people who he alleges work with us, and claims he has sent all of their information to ISF for them to be investigated. Furthermore, he has tried multiple times, and is using this opportunity to set a trap for one of our people to show up and be arrested or at least investigated by ISF. Therefore, I'm looking for someone who can help us get the list of Kenyan workers who we can purchase tickets for. Kassem at the Consulate wants us to send one of our people down there to get it in person. Obviously, we can't do that (https://bit.ly/3gp01J2), but if you're interested/know someone who's interested in doing that on behalf of us, might be an interesting experience. It is definitely risky, but I think a journalist or someone with a big profile are the only people who can mostly-safely do it. 9/1/20, 2:15 PM - Accuser: I need some time to go over all of the above and verify it. But the fact that you think Kassem is the one who has the list of Kenyans who are cleared to travel shows how you have not been involved in any of the work on the ground involving the Kenyan domestic workers. I cannot handover information to you which I've been working on for over a month while you have been falsly taking credit for it on your communication to your audience on social platforms. 9/1/20, 2:31 PM - This Is Lebanon: All the kenyans will be repatriated through the consulate and we are ready to pay their tickets as we already committed before and announced from the first day. 9/1/20, 2:31 PM - This Is Lebanon: The consulate from the first moment announced that we are willing to cover all the coverage of the tickets and pcr tests, there was no need for all the (donations) you made. 9/1/20, 2:31 PM - This Is Lebanon: Both of those are from Kassem 9/1/20, 2:31 PM - This Is Lebanon: What did we take credit for? 9/1/20, 2:32 PM - This Is Lebanon: We don't think Kassem will give us the list even if we have the list. 9/1/20, 2:32 PM - This Is Lebanon: But we have to try to show that he won't give us the list even if we do everything possible to get it. 9/1/20, 2:32 PM - Accuser: But why do you want it if he's paying for the tickets? Are you assisting the travelers in any way? 9/1/20, 2:32 PM - This Is Lebanon: Btw, I have 3 different lists, I just don't have the most recent ones 9/1/20, 2:33 PM - Accuser: I sent the lists to the Kenyan women 9/1/20, 2:33 PM - This Is Lebanon: Because I don't believe he'll pay for their tickets regardless. He is just saying that, because he doesn't want us to buy the tickets. 9/1/20, 2:33 PM - This Is Lebanon: If I sent you a list can you verify that it is current? 9/1/20, 2:33 PM - Accuser: IMG-20200901-WA0079.jpg (https://thisislebanon.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/IMG-20200901-WA0079.png) 9/1/20, 2:34 PM - This Is Lebanon: Please read the document. 9/1/20, 2:34 PM - Accuser: He already paid for 12 tickets and they traveled on Sunday, other than the 27 who traveled through me on the same flight 9/1/20, 2:34 PM - This Is Lebanon: I'll copy and paste the relevant part 9/1/20, 2:34 PM - This Is Lebanon: Lastly, regarding our recent post (https://www.facebook.com/ThisIsLebanon961/posts/932620307215011), I wrote it. My first language is English. In the English language, you would NEVER say "we are doing something", for an action that has been completed and is not ongoing. For instance, in "we're purchasing tickets", purchasing tickets is a one-time process, so you would either be in the process of getting the information together to purchase them, in which you'd say "we're purchasing tickets", or if the tickets had already been purchased, you'd say, "we've purchased the tickets". I'm not trying to sound pompous, but you accused me of saying we had purchased the tickets, but that is not what I wrote, and there is no legitimate interpretation of the English grammar that would suggest otherwise. Furthermore, the context of the entire message, is that we didn’t purchase the 33 tickets for the 14 women and 16 children with the 3 pregnant women. 9/1/20, 2:34 PM - This Is Lebanon: The entire point of the whole post was that we DID NOT purchase those tickets. 9/1/20, 2:35 PM - This Is Lebanon: The entire point of the whole post that you quoted is that we are going to purchase 33 tickets, since we weren't able to purchase those tickets. Did you read the link? 9/1/20, 2:35 PM - Accuser: Just saying its not enough for an organization to "pay for the tickets", these people need a lot more help and relief efforts (which I've been providing) 9/1/20, 2:35 PM - This Is Lebanon: I wouldn't tweeted all of it (I did put it all on Facebook), so on Twitter I had to put a link 9/1/20, 2:35 PM - This Is Lebanon: If you'd like me to explain what we do on the ground, I'm happy to do it on a call. 9/1/20, 2:36 PM - This Is Lebanon: We are very aware of it. We've been doing this for 3 years, 35 years between us all 9/1/20, 2:36 PM - Accuser: I read the link but the post is misleading to your audience, specially that you're not mentioning that the consulate is actually paying for tickets 9/1/20, 2:36 PM - This Is Lebanon: The Beirut Blast response is something we added on top of a caseload of more than 200 cases 9/1/20, 2:37 PM - This Is Lebanon: The post did not mention that any women had flown out. I forgot when I wrote it that there was even a flight that had left. The entire purpose of the post, and context of the post, is that we did not pay for tickets, but were going to pay for tickets. 9/1/20, 2:37 PM - This Is Lebanon: I'll forward you some of the cases, they're a lot more dire than sleeping on the street 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - Accuser: No matter your experience and resume, which is awesome btw, but in this case with these Kenyan women, your presence and support has been inexistent! 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - This Is Lebanon: I'm sorry, but you don't know what we do or how we do it. 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - This Is Lebanon: We cannot speak about anything we do on the ground for security reasons. 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - Accuser: 2 flights left already 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - This Is Lebanon: We cannot show up and say "hello, I'm with This Is Lebanon" 9/1/20, 2:38 PM - This Is Lebanon: I know that, I didn't mention those in the post, and that is not what the post was about. The post was about how we are going to spend our funds. 9/1/20, 2:39 PM - Accuser: The cases of these women i volve abuse and missing payments and medical cases, not just sleeping on the streets!!!!!! 9/1/20, 2:39 PM - This Is Lebanon: That's like every case 9/1/20, 2:40 PM - Accuser: Bit you are not going to spend your funds on these women since the consulate is already doing it, this is exactly why I'm telling you that your communication is not accurate!!!! 9/1/20, 2:40 PM - This Is Lebanon: We are going to spend our funds for 33 Kenyan women. Are there not 33 more Kenyan women in Lebanon who need to go home? 9/1/20, 2:41 PM - Accuser: Yes every case matters, they all need more than just funds to travel. We all have access to funds to help them travel but my work is i volving a lot more daily support and relief than just flight tickets 9/1/20, 2:41 PM - This Is Lebanon: I'm not sure what you think we were saying. I had been told by a Kenyan source before that there were more than 40 that needed tickets. So we said, we'll pay for 33 of them. Simple as that. 9/1/20, 2:41 PM - Accuser: They are already covered, you should've assessed the situation before deciding to raise funds for a cause that no longer needs funding 😒 9/1/20, 2:41 PM - This Is Lebanon: You don't know what we do and you haven't asked. We are acutely aware of the needs on the ground. We've been aware of the needs. And we have been responding to them and we will still respond to them. 9/1/20, 2:42 PM - This Is Lebanon: If you read what we had written you wouldn't be saying that. There are 500,000 workers in Lebanon, at least 10,000s, probably 100,000s need to get home. It was that way before the blast, even more that way after the blast. 9/1/20, 2:43 PM - This Is Lebanon: The fundraiser was not for the Kenyans, it was for all migrant domestic workers in Lebanon. We happened to use a video of Kenyans, because it was the only one we had. We wanted to support them first, as a way to encourage workers to protest and let their voices be heard. 9/1/20, 2:45 PM - This Is Lebanon: Also, there's at minimum hundreds more Kenyans that need to be repatriated. They are one of more than a dozen sending countries and one of the smallest. 9/1/20, 2:45 PM - This Is Lebanon: Ethiopia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Sudan, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Gambia, Togo 9/1/20, 2:45 PM - This Is Lebanon: (smallest in terms of workers in Lebanon) 9/1/20, 2:46 PM - Accuser: I work with NGOs a lot since 2016 and have been covering many different levels of needs across all segments from animal rights to human rights to emergency relief to environmental causes to promoting locals and cities and and and 9/1/20, 2:47 PM - This Is Lebanon: Okay agree to disagree. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 9/1/20, 2:47 PM - Accuser: I am also assisting other nationalities on a smaller scale than Kenyans and already collaborated with other NGOs to send them all home with great success 9/1/20, 2:47 PM - This Is Lebanon: If you know of Kenyans needing to be repatriated, we will be sending 33 home. 9/1/20, 2:47 PM - This Is Lebanon: If you'd like to help, you can. Otherwise, no problem. I'm always available for a meeting if you'd like to chat: http://link.thisislbn.com/[REDACTED] 9/1/20, 2:49 PM - Accuser: You are stating facts which i already know, this is the current situation and some people are doing their best to fight for migrant workers rights and to assist them daily with all their needs. If you wish to have a discussion, please let it be focused on efforts rather than wasting time on general and sometimes irrelevant information which will not help them in any way 9/1/20, 2:50 PM - This Is Lebanon: That's why I approached you. If you'd like to give me the names for the 33 tickets, please send the information. If you'd like to talk, please schedule a time for us to talk 9/1/20, 2:51 PM - This Is Lebanon: And that was a response to this: "They are already covered, you should've assessed the situation before deciding to raise funds for a cause that no longer needs funding 😒" <- you were the one to suggest there were not more Kenyans needing repatriation. 9/1/20, 2:51 PM - Accuser: I am already sending them home with the help of the General Security, and if I lack funds (which I don't atm), then the Consulate is covering all costs while i continue my relief efforts in any case 9/1/20, 2:51 PM - This Is Lebanon: Cool 9/1/20, 2:51 PM - This Is Lebanon: So no Kenyans in Lebanon need tickets according to you? 9/1/20, 2:51 PM - Accuser: I am sending them home because I've been wotking with them case by case and the women trust no one but me since I've proved to be present 9/1/20, 2:54 PM - Accuser: Not in my rapatriation list which covers the protesters facing the consulate and some who are living in homes. But the list is getting bigger every day and I'm working on new cases as well. It's not as simple as just buying tickets since 95% of them don't have passports and 50% of them have legal cases with their employers. So there's a lot of field and office work involved before I am able to purchase tickets. 9/1/20, 2:54 PM - This Is Lebanon: Yes, my source said there's 40 who needs tickets, but maybe that was old information 9/1/20, 2:55 PM - Accuser: It was 40 when i started with them over a month ago, now i have over 100 and counting. 9/1/20, 2:55 PM - This Is Lebanon: I know, I'm talking about a source that was talking about now 9/1/20, 2:56 PM - This Is Lebanon: This is not month old information 9/1/20, 2:56 PM - This Is Lebanon: Maybe she got mixed up and a few days old 9/1/20, 2:56 PM - Accuser: We already sent 50 women including 3 pregnant and 1 injured, as well as a child 9/1/20, 2:56 PM - This Is Lebanon: That's great. 9/1/20, 2:56 PM - Accuser: In case you wanna take credit for that on your social platforms 9/1/20, 2:57 PM - This Is Lebanon: You've yet to point to anything we've taken credit for which we haven't done. We have committed to paying for 33 tickets, and that's why I'm talking to you about. 9/1/20, 2:57 PM - Accuser: So the list is bigger than 50 since we are sending another 24 with babies this weekend and another 15 next week and a lot more still need clearance from GS 9/1/20, 2:57 PM - This Is Lebanon: So on the list of women who need tickets right now, there is no one? Is that correct? 9/1/20, 2:58 PM - Accuser: All i am sayong is that u could ask about the needs before committing to anything, and also "sending a migrant worker home" involves more than a flight ticket. Not to mention pcr test, transportation, and all other relief aspects. 9/1/20, 2:59 PM - Accuser: Women who are cleared to travel already got their tickets 9/1/20, 2:59 PM - This Is Lebanon: [REDACTED], you haven't asked about what we do or don't do, and what we provide or don't provide, so I'm not going to talk to you about that. 9/1/20, 2:59 PM - This Is Lebanon: So there are no women who are cleared and ready for us to purchase tickets? 9/1/20, 3:01 PM - Accuser: Because i already know. You've done some good work but NOT FOR THESE KENYANS IN THIS CASE! I was alone doing alllll the work and i have over 100 Kenyans who can testify it. So i am questioning why we are having this conversation other than me giving out the information you want... 9/1/20, 3:01 PM - This Is Lebanon: Do you want me to buy the tickets or not? 9/1/20, 3:02 PM - This Is Lebanon: If you'd like me to purchase their tickets, then please share the minimal information with me so that I can purchase them, if not then no worries. 9/1/20, 3:02 PM - This Is Lebanon: This is my response, I'm not going to talk about anything except the purchase of these tickets, because you aren't interested in discussing it. 9/1/20, 3:03 PM - This Is Lebanon: Could you just answer my question here. We can pay for 33 tickets. One at a time or all at once. Would you like us to purchase them or not? 9/1/20, 3:06 PM - Accuser: No thanks, the consulate is already covering it, otherwise i still have funds for 50 tickets and PCR tests (other than the 51 who already traveled) 9/1/20, 3:07 PM - This Is Lebanon: Great, no problem. 9/1/20, 3:10 PM - This Is Lebanon: And don't interpret that to mean we won't buy. But have a good day regardless. 9/1/20, 3:11 PM - Accuser: IMG-20200901-WA0083.jpg (https://thisislebanon.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/IMG-20200901-WA0083.png) 9/1/20, 3:11 PM - Accuser: IMG-20200901-WA0084.jpg (https://thisislebanon.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/IMG-20200901-WA0084.png) 9/1/20, 3:11 PM - Accuser: Good day to you too 9/1/20, 3:11 PM - This Is Lebanon: Cool